Specialist, Learning and Development (Lamphun)

City:  Lamphun
Country/Region:  TH
Application Deadline:  Until Hired

Role & Responsibility 


Training Management
•  Responsible for the logistic and the implementation of Corporate Training Courses
•  Plan and organize training courses and programs to meet with Crafting & Supply training needs and business direction
•  Create, review, modify training materials and coordinate with all concerns to produce training material to maximize learning effectiveness
•  Act as the content expert and maintain relevant training documents and training materials for all levels of training
•  Sourcing and select vendors/ training institutes that suite with the learning and training requirements
•  Coordinate with professor, vendors/ training institutes/ related parties to ensure that training courses can be arranged as planned
•  Design poster and videos for internal PR and communication
•  Prepare training documents and other learning materials 
•  Summarize training evaluation and follow up after training to maximize learning effectiveness
•  Prepare course expenses documentation according to payment cycle and procedures of Finance Department
•  Coordinate with L&D Coordinator in delivering effective learning and providing the best solutions related to each BUs


Internal Trainer & Content Designer
•  Work closely with Shop Floor Management Specialist on training program and implementation for employees
•  PNC Program, First Time First Line Manager and Train the Trainer course content designed
•  Verify course content and learning methodology on each program
•  Collaborate with other trainers of each program for effectiveness of program launches
•  Be an Internal Trainer of Pandora Newcomer Program (PNC),  First Time First Line Manager and Train the Trainer etc.
•  Prepare and in charge of PNC, First Time First Line Manager and Train the Trainer Programs both Bangkok & Lamphun


Facilities management

• Coordinate with all concerns parties to ensure the readiness of training rooms and facilities

• Maintain audio/visual equipment and gadgets in training rooms

• Manage training logistics such as check the venue, troubleshoot occurred incidents that may arise during training sessions.


•  Support in cross-function projects, Edutainment Centre (Lamphun) and learning intervention activities
•  Coordinate in first screening and transfer critical case to a clinician who is able to meet the patient's clinical needs
•  Provide counseling support in a timely, ethical and professional manner (If needed)
•  Keep record of counseling cases